Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Let the kids make mistakes

Other day we had one of our friends visiting us along with their two children. Mary, 1year old and Martha, 5years old. As we all sat round the dining table sipping hot tea, I gave juice to Martha. Mary was just going round the room enjoying banana chips but Martha wanted to join us in our conversation. Just to get attention, Martha was again and again trying to reach her mom who was sitting across her. As we were all busy talking, Martha tried to intrupt the conversation and tried to touch her mom. Next we saw, juice all over the table. Mother quietly rushed into the kitchen, brought a cloth and wiped the table. She neither said any angry words to Martha nor showed any expression of anger on her face. After all cleaning was done, she politely told Martha to go and sit on the sofa chair. Martha replied,"Mama, I want to be with you." Mama just took Martha in her arms.

I do not know if it was accident or intentional act of Martha but the way mama handled the whole situation was remarkable.

We all learn from our mistakes.

Rita James

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